
Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Where Does Your Compost Go?

When I first moved to the US, I was so surprised to see that one of my friends threw out her compost or fruit and vegetables kitchen scraps into the kitchen sink’s drain. She said this is a common practice in the US and she gave me a demonstration of the garbage deposal grinding up the composts. I was amazed since I had never seen this before in Japan. I was surprised again when I asked my friend where does the compost go after being ground up, and her answer was “I don’t know.”

I think this is a key example of how the US has made everything convenient for people at the expense of what is beneficial for the environment and their own health. It is a big waste to throw out the produce scraps down the drain where it can contaminate the local rivers, bays, and soils. These scraps are a great benefit to creating compost in the home garden and enriching the soil with organic matter, especially if you buy organic produce.

Fortunately or unfortunately, we had no magic cutter in my parent’s house in Japan. I do not think it is common in Japan even today. Japanese people typically gather their produce scraps and use them in their garden and make compost with it. In Japan, even in its large cities, there is also a curbside trash pickup of organic matter in a special bin that the city uses to make compost for use in public parks. There is a growing environmental consciousness in Japan and people there also do not like to waste valuable materials.

I think it makes a lot of sense to reuse the valuable kitchen fruit and vegetable scraps to make compost for your vegetable and fruit garden. This will give you abundant and healthy harvests! It is even better to choose organic fruits and vegetables when shopping, since then you can be sure that you are feeding your garden, and your family, the healthiest home grown foods possible. After all, what could be more important than your family’s health and wellbeing? If we are asked, “Where does your fruit and veggie scraps go?”, we reply, “They feed our healthy organic garden!”

By Naoko Oehme

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