
Wednesday, 17 November 2010

How to Truly Avoid the Flu

I came across this helpful article in the Baltimore Sun on Monday, 15.Nov.2010 titled “10 Ways to Catch the Flu at Work”. Here is the link to it,0,5963862.story

This tongue in cheek article is telling us things we can do to help us get the flu so that we don’t have to go to work. So, I would obviously suggest that one just do the opposite of each of the ten suggestions if one wants to not get the flu. Also, there is helpful information in the description of each suggestion.

However, from my point of view as someone who takes responsibility for my own health, the whole tone of the article is misleading and does not provide enough information. I state this since it portrays humans as innocent victims of “getting” or “catching” the flu virus with no other recourse. When, there are many actions we can take to be healthy. And, I do not suggest getting a flu shot as the solution as I believe this is one of the worst things you can do to your body.
Many people live with this false belief of being a victim. Perhaps, many cling to this belief since they don’t want to change their habits. What the article fails to emphasize and should is that by living a healthy diet and lifestyle, one can avoid getting sick with the flu or anything else. The article does mention at suggestion number ten that “physical fitness and a healthful diet will only improve your immunity, resulting in a milder case of the flu if not causing you to fight it off completely.” I think this is true, but lacks certain detail. Are you ready for the bombshell? From my own personal experience, one only gets the flu when one eats animal foods. Yes, you read correctly! I say this because the only times in my life that I have gotten the flu was when I was eating animal foods, namely meat, dairy, and eggs. At the time, I was eating animal foods as the primary component in my diet and I got sick with back to back flues one winter. As much as I can remember, that was the only time I got the flu in my life. I have changed my diet over the years, and now me and my family eat a primarily organic, raw, vegan diet, meaning organic plant foods that are uncooked. My family, including me, my wife, and our toddler son, don’t get sick now with the flu, colds, or anything else, unless one of us is extremely stressed.

I also do many other things to live a healthier and happier life. These would include, not allowing toxins in my home, spending time with other healthy people, avoiding unhealthy, angry, negative, stressful, and violent people and environments, getting daily light exercise like walking, gardening, bicycling, etc., spending quality time with my family, spending time outside to get sun on my skin and breath in fresh air, getting my hands into the soil to soak in minerals, meditating to relax and distress, playing and laughing with family and friends, going to a park or wilderness to see animals and breathe in the clean air, and so on.

So, I recommend this diet and lifestyle to everyone who wants to avoid the flu, and even better, to live a happy, healthy, long life!

If you want to learn more about truly healthy foods and living a healthy lifestyle, visit our website

Written by Roland Oehme

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
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Green Harmony Living – Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store – Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design – Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours – Sustainable Ecotours to Germany


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Roland and Naoko
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