
Sunday, 26 October 2008

MSP (Pure Monosodium Phosphate)

MSP(Pure Monosodium Phosphate)
Today I am introducing the dental care product called Pure Monosodium Phosphate (MSP). This is another fine dental product made by K. “Victoria” Van Cleef’s company. She is the author of the amazing book The Perfect Prescription for Your Teeth: Three Simple Steps to Perfect Teeth and Gums All the days of Your Life. I have a review of this book in an earlier blog. MSP provides the important nutrient phosphate. As is quoted from Dr Gerard Judd’s book Good Teeth Birth to Death, from whom Van Cleef got her information about teeth care, “You might be interested to know that DNA and RNA contain phosphate and this phosphate is necessary in building all of our connective tissue and therefore the animal husbandry people feed it big time to their cattle and horses. Medics and alternative health people in the stores and elsewhere have no idea about this and it is about time for a change.”

Van Cleef writes more about the importance of MSP in her book, “Dr. Judd mentions that phosphate regulates body pH as well. His research also points out the danger of not having enough phosphate present in body fluids so it can crowd out alien ions such as fluoride, chloride, carbonate, sulfate and sulfide.”

Dr. Judd stipulates that the reason for losing tooth enamel as we age is from lack of proper nutrition including calcium and phosphate. He also says that loss of tooth enamel is related to bone loss that is commonly seen is the elderly such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and tennis elbow that result from a lack of phosphate in the diet.

MSP is easy to incorporate into your busy lifestyle. Dr. Gerard Judd recommends you simply dissolve 1/6 teaspoon (1 gram) of monosodium phosphate in 1 inch of water for a person who weighs 165 pounds. Let dissolve, then fill the glass with water and drink it. If you weigh less or more than 165 pounds you adjust accordingly. Subtract or add ¼ gram of phosphate for each 40 pounds difference in body weight. For instance, a 5 year old would take approximately ¼ gram per day; an adult woman would take approximately ¾ gram per day.

Please read my blogs about other dental care products and the “Dangers of Dentistry” to learn about why not to use toothpaste or fluoride and instead to use Toothsoap™.

As part of the proper dental and body care program, I highly recommend the use if MSP, monosodium phosphate since phosphate is an important element in our bone and teeth structure. So if you want to rejuvenate your teeth or maintain them in great condition, be sure to use MSP and the other dental care products recommended by Dr. Gerard Judd and Victoria Van Cleef. All of these products are available on our website.

For more info and to order see our Green Harmony Living store at

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
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