
Thursday, 16 October 2008

Why I Choose to Live Green Lifestyle

Hello Everyone!

When I was a child I did not know what being green, environmentally friendly, or sustainable living meant. I was a kid who wanted to play with my friends, have fun, and seek adventure. I did have my sensitive side that I think has been my guiding force toward eventually caring for the planet.

What really got me started to care for nature: its plants, animals, and ecosystems, was my father and mother both whom shared their love for nature to me. I fondly remember my parents sharing the book Where the Wild Things Are with me. I still think of this book today everytime I see yet another natural place destroyed for the socalled sake of progress. Progress into oblivion I think since we fail to realize how precious nature is. Back then we as a society did not know as much as we know now about green living. I especially learned from my father to listen and observe nature, and that this was your guide to understanding nature. So, I learned to truly appreciate nature and all its living organisms with a sense of wonder. That sense of wonder and appreciation of nature is my primary focus in my life. Everything I do is based upon this belief system; some might even call this belief my religion. Seeing nature at its unbridled wildness gives me the greatest joy and feeling that all is well in our world. I am the most happiest when I live surrounded by nature’s bounty, away from the sterile and lifeless human made world of concrete, glass, and steel.

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living - Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store - Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design - Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours - Sustainable Ecotours to Germany


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Roland and Naoko
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Towson, Maryland, United States
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