
Saturday, 18 October 2008

How to Live Green with Nature Based Outlook and the Wonder Resouce:Henp

My outlook is entirely nature based. Every thing I do I see from the vantage point of how this affects nature, will it harm?, will it help?, will it work within the laws of nature? I seek solutions that will work with nature’s laws. For instance, my main thought when I think about buying something (which I try to limit to only real needs) is, how natural and safe for nature is this product? So, products that are biodegradable, recyclable, or are made from natural plant materials are always preferable to me since they work within nature within nature’s system and will not simply end up in a landfill further polluting the planet. This is one of the main reasons that I use in my own life and promote the use of hemp and the many products from it in body care, foods, clothing, bags, paper, and so on. Hemp is very easy to grow and grows so dense that weeds are shaded out, meaning less or no pesticides or herbicides are needed as is typical for many conventionally grown crops. Hemp actually helps to rebuild the soils health through shading and the buildup of organic matter. And hemp has many uses that make it a valuable crop for farmers. Hemp’s environmentally friendliness is the reason that we sell many HEMP PRODUCTS (and many others) at our green store: Green Harmony Living

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living - Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store - Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design - Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours - Sustainable Ecotours to Germany


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Roland and Naoko
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Towson, Maryland, United States
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