
Thursday, 9 October 2008

Dangers of Dentistry

Hello Everyone!

I just finished a very illuminating book titled, The Perfect Prescription for Your Teeth: Three Simple Steps to Perfect Teeth and Gums All the days of Your Life written by K. “Victoria” Van Cleef. She “has been advising and educating health seekers all over the world since 1998, and she developed the Tooth Soap™ that we sell on our website. Illuminating I write because in this short book she succinctly dispels the mythology of proper dental care. Dentists are to be avoided since most of what they do including teeth cleaning, root canals & other surgeries are completely unnecessary, and their chief drug of choice, fluoride, “is a severe biological poison” that actually “causes cavities”. Furthermore, the author dispels the myths that “cavities are caused by bacteria” and sugar, citing the real cause of cavities as “acids”.

The author developed these seemingly life shattering pronouncements by doing much research on proper dental care. Most of her research centered on two amazing books: Good Teeth Birth to Death by Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Professor, Chemist and Researcher, 1997, and the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price, DDS. Victoria’s book simplifies these two longer tomes into a short format that is easy to read and understand. As I mentioned previously, her book first dispels “The Myths About Tooth Decay”, then she offers three steps for saving your teeth, “Helpful Tips”, and “Recommendations”.

In step one she says to stop using any toothpaste because are too abrasive and usually contain glycerin which coats the teeth, not allowing teeth enamel to grow back. Yes, you read correctly, by following her advice she contends that teeth can regrow their enamel. This is certainly contrary to what we hear in the dentists’ office which tells us that our teeth are on a slow slide downhill to cavities and replacement oblivion. Instead of toothpaste, she recommends using bar soap. Yes, bar soap!!! She investigated this so much she invented her own Tooth Soap™ that is more palatable, either with or without honey (also surprisingly great for teeth) and in many flavors from essential oils.

Step two recommends four supplements necessary daily to rebuilding your teeth: 1) 1000mg of Calcium with Vitamin D (also helpful for calcium uptake are magnesium and Vitamin K), 1/6 teaspoon (1 gram) of monosodium phosphate with water for a person who weighs 165 pounds, 4000mg of Vitamin C, and the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of vitamins and minerals in whole food form. Teeth are composed of calcium and phosphate hence the importance of supplementation with calcium and monosodium phosphate. Phosphate and Vitamin C “knit the gums back to the teeth!” She states that the RDA of vitamins and minerals will contain the important nutrient adenosine diphosphatase which is necessary along with supplemental calcium and phosphate to re-enamelization of the teeth.

In step three she recommends a diet of whole, unprocessed foods “in their natural form”, including organic fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and raw milk, raw cheese, and eggs. The less processed or cooked the better since they have more “live enzymes and many other unaltered nutrients.” Being a vegan myself, this last step is hard to swallow. She contends that these animal foods are necessary for the proper amounts of calcium for our bodies. Also she mentions how only raw, unpasteurized milk and cheese and organic eggs as best since they are in their natural form and contain the most nutrients. I think everyone is free to make their own choice about whether to eat dairy and eggs.

In helpful hints she talks about many other tidbits including the danger of mercury fillings, but also smoking and chewing ice. In recommendations she recommends the two books I mentioned before. There are also testimonials and “10 Reasons Why You Need to Stop Using Toothpaste and Use Tooth Soap™ Instead”.

After just finishing this book, I have decided to give most of what they recommend a try. I still am not sure about the dairy part. I have already stopped using toothpaste and have been using the Tooth Soap™ and just love it! It really does leave your mouth feeling fresh and clean with no residue like toothpaste. I have also been using the monosodium phosphate and Tooth Swish™, and just recently stopped using my Listerine formula mouthwash. In the book they recommend Tea Tree Oil with water as a good mouthwash which I will try. I am also increasing the supplements I take to meet their recommendations. In my diet I already eat mostly whole, natural foods, many on their raw state. Also, I have been making a green smoothie daily, as prescribed in Victoria Boutenko’s book Green for Life. Green smoothies are usually made of fruits and greens. Some of the best greens are collards, kale, lambsquarters, dandelion, and nettle. By consuming these greens in a sweet, tasty smoothie I am giving my body the vitamins and minerals nutrients that it craves for bountiful health! A green smoothie is a great way to start the day and I continue drinking throughout the day keeping my body hydrated. I talk more about these smoothies in the next article.

If you want to purchase this fascinating read, Tooth Soap™, Tooth Swish™, or EcoDent Gentle Floss, please visit our website where we have a complete offering of dental products listed under “Dental Care”. We also have an extensive line of natural, whole food supplements as well. Take advantage of our coupon this month to get started regrowing your teeth! Save money as you kiss your dentist goodbye!

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
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Green Harmony Design ? Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours ? Sustainable Ecotours to Germany


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Roland and Naoko
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