
Sunday, 26 October 2008

MSP (Pure Monosodium Phosphate)

MSP(Pure Monosodium Phosphate)
Today I am introducing the dental care product called Pure Monosodium Phosphate (MSP). This is another fine dental product made by K. “Victoria” Van Cleef’s company. She is the author of the amazing book The Perfect Prescription for Your Teeth: Three Simple Steps to Perfect Teeth and Gums All the days of Your Life. I have a review of this book in an earlier blog. MSP provides the important nutrient phosphate. As is quoted from Dr Gerard Judd’s book Good Teeth Birth to Death, from whom Van Cleef got her information about teeth care, “You might be interested to know that DNA and RNA contain phosphate and this phosphate is necessary in building all of our connective tissue and therefore the animal husbandry people feed it big time to their cattle and horses. Medics and alternative health people in the stores and elsewhere have no idea about this and it is about time for a change.”

Van Cleef writes more about the importance of MSP in her book, “Dr. Judd mentions that phosphate regulates body pH as well. His research also points out the danger of not having enough phosphate present in body fluids so it can crowd out alien ions such as fluoride, chloride, carbonate, sulfate and sulfide.”

Dr. Judd stipulates that the reason for losing tooth enamel as we age is from lack of proper nutrition including calcium and phosphate. He also says that loss of tooth enamel is related to bone loss that is commonly seen is the elderly such as osteoporosis, arthritis, and tennis elbow that result from a lack of phosphate in the diet.

MSP is easy to incorporate into your busy lifestyle. Dr. Gerard Judd recommends you simply dissolve 1/6 teaspoon (1 gram) of monosodium phosphate in 1 inch of water for a person who weighs 165 pounds. Let dissolve, then fill the glass with water and drink it. If you weigh less or more than 165 pounds you adjust accordingly. Subtract or add ¼ gram of phosphate for each 40 pounds difference in body weight. For instance, a 5 year old would take approximately ¼ gram per day; an adult woman would take approximately ¾ gram per day.

Please read my blogs about other dental care products and the “Dangers of Dentistry” to learn about why not to use toothpaste or fluoride and instead to use Toothsoap™.

As part of the proper dental and body care program, I highly recommend the use if MSP, monosodium phosphate since phosphate is an important element in our bone and teeth structure. So if you want to rejuvenate your teeth or maintain them in great condition, be sure to use MSP and the other dental care products recommended by Dr. Gerard Judd and Victoria Van Cleef. All of these products are available on our website.

For more info and to order see our Green Harmony Living store at

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living - Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store - Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design - Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours - Sustainable Ecotours to Germany
Thursday, 23 October 2008

Tooth Swish™

Today I am introducing the dental care product called Tooth Swish™. This is another fine dental product made by K. “Victoria” Van Cleef’s company. She is the author of the amazing book The Perfect Prescription for Your Teeth: Three Simple Steps to Perfect Teeth and Gums All the days of Your Life. I have a review of this book in an earlier blog. Tooth Swish™ is a great way to prevent tooth decay between meals, and especially if you are not able to brush after a meal. Tooth Swish™ ”neutralizes acids, promotes salivation and remineralization, stimulates the gums, regulates ph and freshens breath.” As you can see it offers many benefits. Van Cleef recommends getting rid of toothpaste and fluoride use and instead to use Toothsoap™ which I blogged about earlier as well.

Tooth Swish™ is simple to use. All you do is place a small amount of this powder in your mouth and let it dissolve. Then, like the name implies, you swish it around in your mouth for one minute and then you expel. There is no need to rinse. By not rinsing you allow it to keep working. That’s it! It really is that simple. You can carry this small 2 oz. bottle with you in your bag and use as many times as you want during the day. It is wonderful to use after brushing with Toothsoap™ and to use between brushings, after meals or drinking.

I highly recommend Tooth Swish™. I find after using it that my mouth feels refreshed and if I have just eaten I feel any food residue, including any acids or sugars, are neutralized. If you want to keep your teeth in great condition or you want to rejuvenate your teeth from their poor condition, Tooth Swish™ , along with our other dental care products like Toothsoap™, are an important component of your daily teeth maintenance program.

For more info and to order see our Green Harmony Living store at

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living - Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store -Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design - Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours - Sustainable Ecotours to Germany

Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Vegan Dental Floss( Eco Dent)

As it says on the package, EcoDent’s “Gentle Floss® Premium Dental Floss with all natural essential oils and enzymes helps eliminate plaque”. I have tried many different dental flosses over the years and I like this one the best for several reasons.

One, it is 100% vegan waxed and certified no animal testing. So you can be sure that the wax is nontoxic and safe for all animals. Most dental flosses use a mineral wax (a hydrocarbon similar to petroleum) or beeswax.

Second, the essential oils and enzymes helps eliminate plaque and freshen breath,

Third, the large size, 100 yards, means this floss will last you longer and is more economical.

Fourth, EcoDent’s Gentle Floss® packaging is recyclable and biodegradable since it is made from paper. Most floss is made from plastic that clogs up our landfills unnecessarily.

And lastly, Gentle Floss® is stronger than other brands. The floss does not shred or fall apart like most other brands.

So by choosing EcoDent’s Gentle Floss® you will be making your life easier with fewer trips to the store, healthier, and you will help animals and the environment with less waste.

For more info and to order see our Green Harmony Living store at

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living - Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store - Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design - Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours - Sustainable Ecotours to Germany

Monday, 20 October 2008


I have been using Toothsoap™ for about a year now and have found it to be a great product. As I discussed in the “Dangers of Dentistry” article, Toothsoap™ was developed by the author K. “Victoria” Van Cleef who wrote about it in her book, Perfect Prescription for Your Teeth. She learned about proper tooth care from the book Good Teeth Birth to Death by Dr. Gerard F. Judd who is a Professor, Chemist and Researcher. I like that Toothsoap™ is made from simple natural ingredients and does not contain the many harmful, synthetic ingredients, like fluoride and glycerin, found in most brands of toothpaste. During brushing Toothsoap™ lathers up nicely as you feel its cleaning action going to work reaching all crevices of your teeth, gums, and mouth. After brushing with Toothsoap™ and rinsing with water my mouth feels perfectly clean with no lingering aftertaste or residue like from toothpaste. According to the author Toothsoap is all we need to clean our teeth, and we should not be using regular toothpaste or fluoride since both are harmful to our teeth. So, throw out your toothpaste and order some Toothsoap from our store today! For more info and to order see our Green Harmony Living store at

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living ? Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store ? Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design ? Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours ? Sustainable Ecotours to Germany

Sunday, 19 October 2008

Plants as Renewable Resources Exhibit at the Progressive German Federal Garden Show (BUGA)

Every two years at the Federal Garden Show in Germany, called BUGA, there is an exhibit organized by the German Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection that showcases plants as valuable renewable resources. Outside there are many rows of various crops organized by industrial categories like dyes, pharmaceutical, foods, textiles, oils, fuels, and so on. Inside the pavilion the various plants are shown with their respective end uses. For instance, hemp is always a major example displayed here, growing outside, and shown inside usually shown with the hemp door panels used by some car manufacturers like Daimler as well as other uses.

There are many other plants that may be used as renewable resources for our industrial society. This exhibit and the garden shows are truly remarkable and you will surely not see anything like them here in the US. This progressive attitude by the German government and its citizens, as is showcased at their garden shows, is the reason that I started organizing ecotours to Germany every two years to coincide with the garden shows. This ecotour visits some of them most cutting edge sustainable design and living concepts in architecture, garden design, urban planning, product design, transportation, and so on. The next ecotour is next year in August 2009. To learn more, please visit:

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living - Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store - Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design - Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours - Sustainable Ecotours to Germany

Saturday, 18 October 2008

How to Live Green with Nature Based Outlook and the Wonder Resouce:Henp

My outlook is entirely nature based. Every thing I do I see from the vantage point of how this affects nature, will it harm?, will it help?, will it work within the laws of nature? I seek solutions that will work with nature’s laws. For instance, my main thought when I think about buying something (which I try to limit to only real needs) is, how natural and safe for nature is this product? So, products that are biodegradable, recyclable, or are made from natural plant materials are always preferable to me since they work within nature within nature’s system and will not simply end up in a landfill further polluting the planet. This is one of the main reasons that I use in my own life and promote the use of hemp and the many products from it in body care, foods, clothing, bags, paper, and so on. Hemp is very easy to grow and grows so dense that weeds are shaded out, meaning less or no pesticides or herbicides are needed as is typical for many conventionally grown crops. Hemp actually helps to rebuild the soils health through shading and the buildup of organic matter. And hemp has many uses that make it a valuable crop for farmers. Hemp’s environmentally friendliness is the reason that we sell many HEMP PRODUCTS (and many others) at our green store: Green Harmony Living

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living - Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store - Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design - Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours - Sustainable Ecotours to Germany
Friday, 17 October 2008

How to Live Green with Organic Garden and Backyard Wildlife Habitat

Hello Everyone!

We currently live in a house surrounded by a beautiful organic garden that is as wild as it can be being surrounded by other homes, near a small city. Some day we will live surrounded by wilderness, unfettered by our neighbor’s noise and concern for neatness. Our dream is to own a large property where we have an organic, permaculture farm and eco resort showcasing the latest in green living, recreation, and relaxation. We intend to create a community of caring, conscious people who thrive in a sustainable living environment. We will create habitat for wildlife, where it can be free and unhindered by humans. An eden where humans and nature can thrive in the bounty of life and living a healthy lifestyle following a raw, vegan diet and environmentally friendly lifestyle. Please join us! When you sign up for our emails or create an account on our webstore: Green Harmony Living (, we will keep you updated on green gardening ideas and how to create a backyard wildlife habitat.

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living ? Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store - Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design - Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours - Sustainable Ecotours to Germany

Thursday, 16 October 2008

Why I Choose to Live Green Lifestyle

Hello Everyone!

When I was a child I did not know what being green, environmentally friendly, or sustainable living meant. I was a kid who wanted to play with my friends, have fun, and seek adventure. I did have my sensitive side that I think has been my guiding force toward eventually caring for the planet.

What really got me started to care for nature: its plants, animals, and ecosystems, was my father and mother both whom shared their love for nature to me. I fondly remember my parents sharing the book Where the Wild Things Are with me. I still think of this book today everytime I see yet another natural place destroyed for the socalled sake of progress. Progress into oblivion I think since we fail to realize how precious nature is. Back then we as a society did not know as much as we know now about green living. I especially learned from my father to listen and observe nature, and that this was your guide to understanding nature. So, I learned to truly appreciate nature and all its living organisms with a sense of wonder. That sense of wonder and appreciation of nature is my primary focus in my life. Everything I do is based upon this belief system; some might even call this belief my religion. Seeing nature at its unbridled wildness gives me the greatest joy and feeling that all is well in our world. I am the most happiest when I live surrounded by nature’s bounty, away from the sterile and lifeless human made world of concrete, glass, and steel.

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living - Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store - Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design - Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours - Sustainable Ecotours to Germany

Monday, 13 October 2008

How to Grow Your Own Greens and Make Green Smoothies!!!

Hello Everyone!

I first started hearing about the importance of consuming green smoothies in the diet every day primarily from two authors: and Victoria Boutenko and Frederic Patenaude. Both authors are well known within the rawfood community and both have written great books about rawfoods. What they say is that greens should make up most of diet, not fruit as has been stated by others, citing our closest animal relative, the Chimpanzee that eats primarily greens in their diet. Greens are important for us since greens contain a great amount, and are the best sources, of important vitamins and minerals. Also, chlorophyll, which is abundant in greens, is very close to the makeup of our own blood, making greens a great boost to our bodies’ health and vitality.

Unfortunately, in our modern lifestyle it is often hard to find the time to consume greens by chewing thoroughly for hours all day long as our primate friends do. Also, it is hard for most people to get used to the taste of greens that are often bitter or very plain since our modern taste buds are conditioned to overly sweet and salty foods. Hence, the idea of green smoothies! By combining the sweet fruits with greens we create a flavorful and nutrient rich smoothie that will improve the health in our bodies even if we change nothing else in our diet. This summation was verified by a study by Victoria Boutenko where her volunteers drank a quart of green smoothie every day for two weeks or so. During this time the participants noticed many health benefits. For myself, I have noticed many benefits since drinking green smoothies every day. In general I feel much more energetic, alert, clear headed, strong, and hydrated. If I am feeling bad in some way, like dehydrated or tired, I just reach for my green smoothie (I usually make a quart that I store in the fridge and drink during the day when I can) and upon drinking I immediately feel better. It is the perfect food! When I make a great batch, it feels great drinking it. I cannot stop drinking it since it tastes so good and feels great in my body. It is like liquid energy in its perfect form that energizes and restores all of the cells in the body. Really, this is what I feel and imagine happening when drinking! I feel my cells sparkling with life thanks to the green smoothie!

So, I recommend that you try making a green smoothie and see how you like it. First, it is best to have a powerful blender, like a Vitamix or Blendtec, since only these strong blenders can completely pulverize the produce down to the cellular level allowing your body to more easily assimilate the nutrients and also give the smoothie a much better taste and creamy texture. We sell Blendtec blenders at our webstore: The basic recipe is simple. First add the water to the jar, then add a big handful of greens (kale, collards, lambsquarters, dandelion, nettle are the best), and finally add much fruit (berries, apples, pears, stone fruit, and bananas are great). You may mix the greens or use just one type, but be careful not to add too many bitter or spicy greens that will overpower your drink, unless you don’t mind the strong taste. Bitter is sometimes good for us. I remember as a child my mom giving me a bitter greens soup that was very hard to eat because of the strong taste, but I was glad that I did because afterwards I had the most energy I ever had. I felt like I could fly like Superman! Anyways, that is the basic recipe for a green smoothie. For more detailed recipes, please visit our recipe section of this newsletter.

Now I will talk about how I grow the greens for my smoothies. If you have decided to make green smoothies on a daily basis then I recommend growing your own greens since then you will have the freshest, most nutritious source available. If you have a vegetable garden you can grow the greens there. If you don’t have one, it is time to make one if you have the space. You really don’t need much space to grow greens, even if you have a few feet you can grow some greens. Adequate sunlight is helpful, south facing is best. If your south facing exposure is in your front yard, that is okay too. You are allowed to have a vegetable garden in your front garden. So, if you don’t have a vegetable garden, make a nice vegetable garden plot by taking out the lawn, rototilling the soil, and then adding a lot of natural compost. You may separate the area into individual beds with walkways between to give more structure in the garden. Compost is really important since it provides the nutrients to the greens so they will thrive and in turn give you their nutrients. I am really leery of the store bought compost bags since they are not really compost but usually partially broken down mulch, peat moss, and animal manures. Here in Maryland one of the best composts available at many garden centers is called Leafgro which is composted leaves. Unfortunately it does seem to have many fine particles of trash, usually plastic pieces. So, the best compost is usually one you make yourself from your kitchen scraps or if you can find some from a local farmer, health food store, or farmers’ market. Although I do not recommend animal manures since they can contain the harmful substances that the farmers may give them like antibiotics, hormones, etc.

So, once you have your garden plot ready it’s time to start growing these luscious greens! If you are going to plant now in the fall I suggest that you buy the seedling veggies you can find at your local garden centers or framers’ markets since there is not much time left in the season. I would also suggest that when you have more time to plan that you order from a reputable organic, heirloom seed catalog, my favorite is Seeds of Change, order the seeds ahead of the season (like in the winter for next spring) and start growing the seeds inside in little peat pots or in trays with soil. Obviously these seeds need to be exposed to direct sunlight so place near a south facing window or buy a light box that produces the light of natural sunlight. It will take a month or two to germinate and get to an adequate size for planting outside. It is time to plant outside in the spring after the ground has thawed and frost will not occur again.

I like to mainly grow kale and collards for my greens since they are the easiest to grow and can grow for all of the growing season from spring to fall. I also grow other nutritious greens like dandelion and lambsquarters that are annuals and regrow by setting seed in the fall and regrow in the spring. They tend to pop up anywhere in the garden so I just let them grow where they want except where I am growing other crops. I also highly recommend that you set aside a good size area that is located at a low elevation, consistently moist all year, and has a great humus content that appears as dark, almost black soil. Lots of compost can help compensate if you want to make such a bed. The special plant that will grow lavishly here is Nettle, also called Stinging Nettle. Most people may think it is a pest to be eradicated. That is why I recommend growing it in a place where it will do no harm if it runs freely. The Nettle is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet and as such I think deserves much respect. I have created such a spot in my garden where it grows happily.

I harvest from my own garden during our relatively long growing season, generally from April to November. During the winter I buy my greens from our local health food store that has excellent organic greens all year. The farmers’ market can also supply greens but check to make sure they are not too spicy or strong tasting. I have found my home grown greens are the sweetest. Also, the fresher they are, the better since fresher means more nutrients!

You can find more info about green smoothies at our webstore: See "Blenders". We also sell Blendtec blenders, and many other green, organic products for your healthy lifestyle.

Good luck on becoming a green superman or superwoman by making nutritious greens a daily part of your diet!

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours Sustainable Ecotours to Germany

Thursday, 9 October 2008

Dangers of Dentistry

Hello Everyone!

I just finished a very illuminating book titled, The Perfect Prescription for Your Teeth: Three Simple Steps to Perfect Teeth and Gums All the days of Your Life written by K. “Victoria” Van Cleef. She “has been advising and educating health seekers all over the world since 1998, and she developed the Tooth Soap™ that we sell on our website. Illuminating I write because in this short book she succinctly dispels the mythology of proper dental care. Dentists are to be avoided since most of what they do including teeth cleaning, root canals & other surgeries are completely unnecessary, and their chief drug of choice, fluoride, “is a severe biological poison” that actually “causes cavities”. Furthermore, the author dispels the myths that “cavities are caused by bacteria” and sugar, citing the real cause of cavities as “acids”.

The author developed these seemingly life shattering pronouncements by doing much research on proper dental care. Most of her research centered on two amazing books: Good Teeth Birth to Death by Dr. Gerard F. Judd, Professor, Chemist and Researcher, 1997, and the book Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A. Price, DDS. Victoria’s book simplifies these two longer tomes into a short format that is easy to read and understand. As I mentioned previously, her book first dispels “The Myths About Tooth Decay”, then she offers three steps for saving your teeth, “Helpful Tips”, and “Recommendations”.

In step one she says to stop using any toothpaste because are too abrasive and usually contain glycerin which coats the teeth, not allowing teeth enamel to grow back. Yes, you read correctly, by following her advice she contends that teeth can regrow their enamel. This is certainly contrary to what we hear in the dentists’ office which tells us that our teeth are on a slow slide downhill to cavities and replacement oblivion. Instead of toothpaste, she recommends using bar soap. Yes, bar soap!!! She investigated this so much she invented her own Tooth Soap™ that is more palatable, either with or without honey (also surprisingly great for teeth) and in many flavors from essential oils.

Step two recommends four supplements necessary daily to rebuilding your teeth: 1) 1000mg of Calcium with Vitamin D (also helpful for calcium uptake are magnesium and Vitamin K), 1/6 teaspoon (1 gram) of monosodium phosphate with water for a person who weighs 165 pounds, 4000mg of Vitamin C, and the RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of vitamins and minerals in whole food form. Teeth are composed of calcium and phosphate hence the importance of supplementation with calcium and monosodium phosphate. Phosphate and Vitamin C “knit the gums back to the teeth!” She states that the RDA of vitamins and minerals will contain the important nutrient adenosine diphosphatase which is necessary along with supplemental calcium and phosphate to re-enamelization of the teeth.

In step three she recommends a diet of whole, unprocessed foods “in their natural form”, including organic fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds, and raw milk, raw cheese, and eggs. The less processed or cooked the better since they have more “live enzymes and many other unaltered nutrients.” Being a vegan myself, this last step is hard to swallow. She contends that these animal foods are necessary for the proper amounts of calcium for our bodies. Also she mentions how only raw, unpasteurized milk and cheese and organic eggs as best since they are in their natural form and contain the most nutrients. I think everyone is free to make their own choice about whether to eat dairy and eggs.

In helpful hints she talks about many other tidbits including the danger of mercury fillings, but also smoking and chewing ice. In recommendations she recommends the two books I mentioned before. There are also testimonials and “10 Reasons Why You Need to Stop Using Toothpaste and Use Tooth Soap™ Instead”.

After just finishing this book, I have decided to give most of what they recommend a try. I still am not sure about the dairy part. I have already stopped using toothpaste and have been using the Tooth Soap™ and just love it! It really does leave your mouth feeling fresh and clean with no residue like toothpaste. I have also been using the monosodium phosphate and Tooth Swish™, and just recently stopped using my Listerine formula mouthwash. In the book they recommend Tea Tree Oil with water as a good mouthwash which I will try. I am also increasing the supplements I take to meet their recommendations. In my diet I already eat mostly whole, natural foods, many on their raw state. Also, I have been making a green smoothie daily, as prescribed in Victoria Boutenko’s book Green for Life. Green smoothies are usually made of fruits and greens. Some of the best greens are collards, kale, lambsquarters, dandelion, and nettle. By consuming these greens in a sweet, tasty smoothie I am giving my body the vitamins and minerals nutrients that it craves for bountiful health! A green smoothie is a great way to start the day and I continue drinking throughout the day keeping my body hydrated. I talk more about these smoothies in the next article.

If you want to purchase this fascinating read, Tooth Soap™, Tooth Swish™, or EcoDent Gentle Floss, please visit our website where we have a complete offering of dental products listed under “Dental Care”. We also have an extensive line of natural, whole food supplements as well. Take advantage of our coupon this month to get started regrowing your teeth! Save money as you kiss your dentist goodbye!

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living ? Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store ? Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design ? Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours ? Sustainable Ecotours to Germany
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Towson, Maryland, United States
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