
Monday, 28 June 2010

Day 9: LifeFood Organic Cafe

Roland worked on his friend’s edible garden again. At 17:30 we drove to Hollywood again to meet Annie Jubb at LifeFood Organic cafe. This time we did meet her and it was a pleasure to sit down and talk to her. Annie is a wonderful and intelligent person. She is going to succeed in her business. We learned she grew up on an island in Washington state, about how she got started in this business, by baking as a child, how she lived and owned a café in Manhattan, NYC, and finally moved out to L.A. and opened her new café here. Her goal is to start of chain of healthy rawfood cafes across the country and eventually the world in order to get the populace eating healthy again. She cited how two thirds of Americans are overweight or obese. I believe that this is not just a business venture for her and I sense her genuine concern for humanity. It was really wonderful to meet someone like her that believes in herself and is taking direct action to improve life on this planet. If her vision is carried out successfully we might even join her by investing in her business as well. Look for a franchise to open near you! Oh, did I mention that her food is excellent, some of the best in L.A.? Also, she loves children as was evident by the way she lovingly talked to our baby. Do I need to mention the long drive home again?

So, has anyone visited an organic café or restaurant? Has anyone visited a raw food café or restaurant? Have you been to a nice vegetarian or vegan restaurant? Tell us about your experiences!

Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living – Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store – Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design – Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours – Sustainable Ecotours to Germany


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Roland and Naoko
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Green Harmony Living
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Towson, Maryland, United States
Eat Rawfood and Enjoy life!

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