
Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Day 10: Jeff's Edible Garden & Au Lac Restaurant

Our last day in paradise! Strangely enough for much of our stay here the weather has been downright chilly and many days were cloudy with no sun. When we first arrived it was only in the 60’s during the day. And this was after leaving sunny, 90 + degrees Baltimore. Needless to say, at first we were freezing, and then we got used to the coolness after a few days. Does global warming have something to do with this apparent switch of the weather systems from coast to coast where Baltimore has more California like weather and vice versa?
So today was the last day to finish the edible garden work. Roland worked for several hours, then we all took a walk to the Huntington Beach pier and back. Then Roland worked the rest of the afternoon until 20:30. Roland and his friend removed a large Apricot tree since it wasn’t producing any fruit and it was in the wrong location (too warm), planted a Strawberry Guava, a Yellow Guava, a Jujube, a Raspberry, a Blackberry, and sowed Papaya seeds. We also made good headway in setting up the automatic drip irrigation system. Most everything was completed. The garden looks fantastic and is set to grow anew for the following year!

Au Lac Vegan Restaurant

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We all went to Au Lac for our last dinner in CA. Au Lac serves cooked Asian vegetarian food and raw, vegan foods as well. It was very nice. We met Chef Ito who was happy to see us and he just loved to see our baby, he even carried him around the restaurant showing him off to all the other diners. He also gave our baby a balloon. We also met the owner Mai who was very happy to see us as usual. Our rawfood meal was amazingly presented and tasting. We had the Cream Cheese appetizer (made with avocado), Da Bowl (salad with romaine and lots of avocado), and the living rice Risotto. The Risotto had a wonderful flavor and nice chewy texture. After eating, we met our friend, Lou Corona, who just happened to be there since he gives a talk every Tuesday night there. We also met Joel and Chef BeLive, who I have heard about. They both were very nice. Chef BeLive’s real name is Brian James Lucas, he lives in the Los Angeles area, and he calls himself a “Gourmet Living Culinary Artist”. I would like to learn more about him since he sounds fascinating. Chef BeLive said he is thinking about doing some sort of a rawfood fast food restaurant chain as well. It sounds like this idea is finally coming to fruition and it will be interesting to see who succeeds and makes this concept work.

Where have you had your favorite Asian vegetarian, vegan, or raw food meal experience?

Roland’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living – Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store – Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design – Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours – Sustainable Ecotours to Germany


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Roland and Naoko
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Green Harmony Living
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Towson, Maryland, United States
Eat Rawfood and Enjoy life!

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