
Monday, 18 October 2010

Dr. Brian Clement of Hippocrates Health Institute Gave an Informative Talk in Baltimore!

Hello Everyone!

Thanks to Kendell Reichhart and Brian Hetrick of Natural Vibrant Health ( for bringing the esteemed to Dr. Brian Clement Zia’s Café in Baltimore-Towson where he gave a lively and informative lecture on the healthy living. Zia’s was filled to capacity as eager Baltimorean’s came to listen to one of the country’s top health professionals speak his mind about the sad state of the US culture and health of its citizens.

Dr. Brian Clement and his wife Dr. Anna Maria Gahns-Clement are directors of the Hippocrates Health Institute ( located in West Palm Beach, Florida. In my opinion, Hippocrates Health Institute is one of the top health rejuvenation centers in the US and the world! I have never visited myself but I know it was founded by Ann Wigmore and Viktoras Kulvinskas, two pioneers of the modern rawfood diet. Everything I hear about the institute has been favorable and after hearing Dr. Clement’s talk I am even more impressed. What is most impressive is that the Hippocrates Health Institute has been conducting unbiased clinical research for 54 years! Brian Clement has written many books that are based on his thirty years of experience at Hippocrates of treating people there.

Here are the major points that Dr. Brian Clement made in his talk as I understood him (to hear exactly what he states and to gain greater detail I recommend that you read his books or review the Hippocrates Health Institute’s website; See “Resources” at end):

1) The human body is electric.
2) 60% of pharmaceutical drugs may kill you.
3) Raw meat is decomposing flesh.
4) Living nutrition are foods containing a high frequency.
5) Human health is composed of HOPE: Hormones, Oxygen, Phytonutrients, and Enzymes.
6) His new book will be called something like “Food is Medicine”.
7) At Hippocrates they test three things: Your relaxing level, microscopic level, and medical blood test.
8) If you reduce caloric intake by 1/3, you will live 30% longer.
9) Complete proteins include sunflower seeds/sprouts, sesame, sprout juice, and mung beans.
10) No 1 cause of cancer is dairy; casein causes cancer too.
11) Eating meat leaves behind fats and acidity, especially chicken.
12) Brian Clement has worked with Dr. Virginia Livingstone.
13) Vitamins are key to longevity.
14) Vitamins die at 118 degrees F.
15) Vitamins need oxygen to carry them into body.
16) Minerals and trace minerals are permanent structures.
17) Most supplements are from petroleum.
18) Brian Clement’s family breastfed their children until age 2, then started feeding blue green algae.
19) 96 cities around the world have pharmaceutical drugs in the tap water.
20) There are only three water systems that remove pharmaceutical drugs from water: Atmos, Japanese alkaline filter, and water distillers.
21) All happy and successful people have balanced hormones.
22) Everything you think and feel is hormonal.
23) Falling in love is hormonal.
24) Oxygen: need daily Vitamin B12 supplementation.
25) If you take greens and B12, anemia disappears.
26) Oxygen controls metabolism.
27) Oxygen brings hemoglobin into your blood.
28) Oxygen has a main role in the ingestion of nutrients.
29) 2/3 of oxygen is from water.
30) 60% of population is dehydrated.
31) Phytochemicals isolate and destroy disease.
32) Highest levels of phytochemicals are found in the germinated seeds of wheatgrass, spelt grass, kamut, barley grass, millet, amaranth, and buckwheat.
33) Turmeric is good for everything.
34) Enzymes are catalysts of life.
35) See “A Life is Born” video by Nilson (Swedish)
36) Enzyme activity sparks human life.
37) Seven aspects of living foods: Antioxidants, Vitamins, Mineral and Trace Minerals, Protein, Electrical charge, Energy, and Longevity.
38) Less food equals you live longer.
39) Liberate yourself to find your passion.
40) He knows Leonard Smith.
41) Joy, happiness, and fulfillment are most important to life.
42) When you have a fulfilling life, food is no longer your life (ie the dominant force in your life).
43) To stop eating meat, see film titled “Earthling”.
44) 60% of world population is vegetarian.
45) Brian Clement is involved with international summits that discuss true health.
46) The Framingham study is most important.
47) 68-78% of population has no Vitamin B12.
48) Before WW2, most people had adequate B12 levels, since all food was organic.
49) Lipid peroxide, which is found in fish 30 minutes after being killed, causes cancer.
50) To get adequate levels of Vitamin D you don’t need supplements, you just need to expose your body to the sun.
51) Regarding Lyme disease, it is best not to get it. If you get it, a sodium nitrate injection will get rid of it over time.
52) Argentine is the brand name of sodium nitrate that is used to treat Lyme disease.
53) Not only deer are carriers; all mammals and birds are carriers of the deer tick that transmit the disease.
54) Lyme disease is becoming a major epidemic that may threaten humanity’s existence.
55) Sources of Omega 3 include hemp seed, chia seeds, and sprouts.
56) Soak 12 tablespoons of chia seeds in water, sprout, and then eat a portion every day.
57) He recommends Dr. Bizan in Philadelphia.
58) Use Eniva to test to see if your gray hair is hereditary or it can be cured.
59) Using cell phones interrupt contemplation time.
60) Cell phones and cell phone towers cause cancer.
61) Take MSM every other day.
62) The French and Italians have a terrible diet. The reason that Europeans appear to be healthier than Americans is that Europeans eat less than Americans.
63) The way to be happy is to find something to do that you love. Don’t worry if people say you can’t do it.
64) Brian’s four children were not vaccinated.
65) He recommends that you do research about vaccinations and decide what is best for your family.
66) Vaccines destroy the body’s immune system.
67) He recommends that one use homeopathic medicines instead to treat diseases
68) Brian Clement highly recommends T. Colin Campbell and his book “The China Study”.

Hippocrates Health Institute have natural health programs year round at their center in West Palm Beach, FL; For more info see
Brian Clement’s books:
Hippocrates Life Force
Living Foods for Optimum Health: Staying Healthy in an Unhealthy World
Supplements Exposed: The Truth They Don’t Want You to Know About Vitamins, Minerals, and Their Effects on Your Health

Written by Roland Oehme

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland and Naoko’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living – Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store – Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design – Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours – Sustainable Ecotours to Germany

Voila! A super healthy and tasty breakfast!

Rawfood Recipe

Roland and Naoko want to introduce you to an easy and wonderful rawfood breakfast or lunch. Actually, we stopped eating granola and oatmeal to live healthier. Of course, we drink a green smoothie everyday, and we like to make a raw cereal with ground up nuts and seeds, like sesame seeds, sunflower, pumpkin, or hemp seeds, as the base to which we add raw mesquite powder, maca powder, vanilla powder, or cacao powder. We mix this together with a healthy sweetener like palm sugar or agave nectar, and add enough water to bring it to a moist consistency. We place some cut up fruit in a bowl, add the superfood cereal on top with some mint from our garden as a garnish! Voila! A super healthy and tasty breakfast! We even feed our toddler this superfood and he loves it! Please try!!!

Thank You and Make Today a Wonderful Day!
Roland and Naoko’s Websites:
Green Harmony Living – Planet friendly website
Green Harmony Living Store – Raw, Vegan, & Organic Foods & Products
Green Harmony Design – Beautiful, Edible, & Sustainable Gardens
Green Harmony Tours – Sustainable Ecotours to Germany